Many of you have written saying that you are interested in buying a half share. I've been doing my best to connect people but I figured I'd also open up this space for people to make their own connections if they wish. Thank you to everyone for being patient while I find matches....Caitlin
Wow, has it been a full two weeks. Since I posted last time we've put all the onions and potatoes in the ground. Planted our first round of cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, broccoli raab and lettuce. And seeded carrots, beans, arugula, radish, spinach and salad turnips. If you look closely, you can see the little purple beans, soon to become green beans by the name of "provider" a classic bush bean. The days have been warm and sunny(great growing conditions) but the nights remain chilly so that will often slow the growth of many of the plants. In the picture below you can see remay row covers which protect the plants from insects and the chilly nights. Here Brian and I are heading down to Deerfield after its first tillage pass. In this field we plan on maintaining permanent pathways of clover and fescue in between the beds in order to reduce erosion, maintain soil quality and prevent weeds.This field will hold the majority of our single row crops(tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, broccoli, etc...).With the pond below we get to watch a white heron hunting for frogs as we prepare the beds for future plantings. |
March 2020